Therapy and Coaching, Teletherapy and In-person

Redefine TU VIDA Therapy & Coaching

Helping women live their best lives,

wherever they are in the world and in life!

Do you have the constant feeling that there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing?

Do you feel sad, anxious or confused about your career, relationship, motherhood or life in a new place?

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I have been there…

Living far away from your tribe of origin is a roller coaster.

Daily life situations and life transitions become super-charged with intensified feelings and often times, it is difficult to find the supports you need.

Periods of excitement as you make new friends, meet a romantic partner, grow or re-invent your career, start a family, and settle into new routines can turn easily into loneliness, home-sickness, confusion, or self-doubt.

But, the good news is that…

…you have the power to redefine how you want your life to be!

This is a chapter of your life and with support, you will live it on your own terms!

Learn More

  • You’re looking for change because you seem to have lost the woman you wanted to be. Navigating multiple roles at once and putting everyone else ahead of you, you’ve forgotten to make YOU a priority. 
    You’ve tried figuring it out on your own but you still feel stuck and unable to move forward. 

  • You are committed to redefine success on your own terms and feel you are living your best life, which will positively impact others’ around you.

  • Being willing to work on what makes us feel vulnerable is how we get unstuck! But learning to do this isn’t easy, and it certainly isn’t easy to do alone. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones!

I am here to help, let’s talk!